Newsletter for February 2017

Welcome to our Newsletter for February 2017
This months newsletter will contain information about Osgood Schlatters Disease and Ice Massage.
Osgood Schlatters Disease

Osgood-Schlatters disease is a painful condition that affects the upper part of the shin bone (tibia). It most commonly occurs in teenagers who play sport. This injury can develop for no apparent reason. However, during periods of growth spurts and overuse of the quadriceps muscles is thought to be the main causes.

Overuse of the quadriceps muscle can cause repeated strain (repeated extension) on the attachment of the patella tendon which inserts onto the tibial tubercle. The tibia hasn’t finished growing meaning that the growth plates are active and isn’t quite strong enough to withstand the strain on it. This can cause redness and soreness where the ligament attaches. In some cases, a small flake of bone is pulled off the tibia by the pulling ligament. Healing bone (callus) then forms which may cause a hard bony bump to develop.


Pain, swelling, or tenderness below the knee.
Pain that becomes worse during activities such as running and jumping.
Limping after physical activity


You do not usually need to stop sport. However, easing off strenuous or vigorous sport may be sensible until the pain eases to a tolerable level.
You should aim to reduce the duration, frequency and also intensity of your exercise, especially if this exercise includes running or jumping.
Consider a complete break from sport for a while if pain remains bad.
An ice pack applied below the kneecap (patella) for about 20 minutes (10 mins on, 10 mins off and then 10 mins on) before and after exercise may prevent some inflammation and pain.
Consider wearing knee pads during sports such as football and rugby, to protect the tender area.
Consider seeing a physiotherapist for advice on exercises to stretch the thigh muscles. Attached below is specific exercises that will help with lengthening and strengthening specific muscles for this injury.

Check out this article on Osgood Schlatters Disease!
Ice Massage
There is a number of ways to apply ice to areas of injury, however this month we have been treating a girl with a bad sprain to her left ankle. Advice from Julie suggested that ice massages were used as home treatment. Below you will see the difference from Friday evening to Sunday evening. The client applied oil to the area before applying ice whilst lying on her front with her leg bent to increase lymphatic drainage. Then the area was massaged with an ice cube, then applied ibuleve gel, following a compression bandage and kept elevated.
Benefits of Ice Application:
Ice initially constricts local blood vessels and decreases tissue temperature. Overall, ice will:

Decrease inflammation
Decrease pain
Promotes healing
Decrease swelling
Decrease tissue damage
Decrease muscle spasm
Relieves DOMS

Application of Ice:

To make an ice cup, fill a small paper or foam cup about two-thirds full, and freeze it until it is solid.
To use the ice cup, peel off the top of the cup so about 1/2 an inch of ice is showing.
As the ice melts, it will drip, so put a small towel under the area you are icing.
Rub the ice in small circles all over the affected area. Hold the plastic in place with one hand and rub the ice over it with the other hand.
If the ice melts down so the cup is touching your skin, peel more of the cup off.
Continue for about 7 to 10 minutes. Make sure you apply oil to the area to reduce the risk of ice burn to the area.
This all applies to single ice cubes as well.